1x2x3 Cube Permutations

All possible scrambles of the 1x2x3 Rubik's cube. There are 48 combinations, and we can demonstrate how.

Consider just the top face of the puzzle. With only 180° turns, we can move the top, left, right, or bottom parts. To preserve orientation, let's say top and bottom moves are identical. This means the lower middle cubie will be in a fixed position.

For the 5 cubies from the top face, there are only 12 possible orientations. For the red/orange side, since one of them is in a fixed position, we get only 4 possibilities. Red/Red/Red, Red/Red/Orange, Orange/Red/Red, Orange/Red/Orange.

For certain arrangements, the pattern is different and it depends on the green/blue side. Orientation of the puzzle is disregarded, so don't just rotate the puzzle and say "It isn't unique", OK?