Metric Approximations

My official tables for converting imperial/US customary units to metric in my head.
Tip: Practice makes perfect. Don't try memorizing all these in one go!

Imperial Unit Exact Value Approximation Steps to Convert
Inch 2.54 cm ≈ 2.5 cm Multiply by 10, halve twice
Foot 0.3048 m ≈ 0.3 m Multiply by 3, divide by 10
Yard 0.9144 m ≈ 0.9 m Subtract 10%
Mile 1.609344 km ≈ 1.6 km Double 4 times, divide by 10

Imperial Unit Exact Value Approximation Steps to Convert
Square Inch 6.4516 cm² ≈ 6.25 cm² Multiply by 100, halve 4 times
Square Foot 0.09290304 m² ≈ 0.09 m² Divide by 10, subtract 10%
Acre 0.40468564224 ha ≈ 0.4 ha Double twice, divide by 10
Square Mile 2.589988110336 km² ≈ 2.5 km² Multiply by 10, halve twice

Imperial Unit Exact Value Approximation Steps to Convert
US Teaspoon 4.92892 ml ≈ 5 ml Multiply by 10, halve
US Fluid Ounce 29.5735295625 ml ≈ 30 ml Multiply by 3, then 10
US Cup 0.2365882365 l ≈ 0.25 l Halve twice
US Gallon 3.785411784 l ≈ 4 l Double twice

Imperial Unit Exact Value Approximation Steps to Convert
Ounce 28.349523125 g ≈ 30 g Multiply by 10, then 3
Pound 0.45359237 kg ≈ 0.45 kg Halve, subtract 10%
Stone 6.35029318 kg ≈ 6 kg Double, then multiply by 3
US Ton 0.90718474 t ≈ 0.9 t Subtract 10%

Imperial Unit Exact Value Approximation Steps to Convert
Miles/Hour 0.44704 m/s ≈ 0.45 m/s Halve, subtract 10%
Pounds/Square Inch 68.94757293 mbar ≈ 70 mbar Multiply by 7 (sorry), then 10
Miles/Gallon 0.425143707 km/l ≈ 0.4 km/l Double twice, divide by 10
Fahrenheit °C * 1.8 + 32 ≈ (°F - 30) / 2 Subtract 30, halve